Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Greetings

I am back in Iowa on a bit of a holiday break to visit with family and make all those appointments that are needed when you have been gone for four months. I know that I am behind in my monthly blog posting, but the month of November found me buried in Constitution Revision meetings and travel commitments. I know that many of you who are active educators often find time during your holiday break from school to catch up on your Internet activities. So here goes....

Last post I wrote about the hotels in Spokane. This time I thought I would let you know about some of the special things planned for the 2010 International Convention. Great speakers have been invited that will inspire you, educate you, and make you laugh. When you receive your January/February issue of the NEWS you will note that there are several panels listed on the Schedule at a Glance. Three panels are being organized on some current topics: Technology, Green Environment, and an International Look at Education Topics. Workshops on Society topics, personal development, and academic topics will be offered. And of course you will want to visit the Marketplace. Here you will find vendors and a wide variety of demonstrations. It will be the place to meet your friends and check out all of the booths.

We will honor Women of Vision and Action nominated by states, chapters, or individual members. Any member or group may nominate a living member (active, reserve, or honorary) to be recognized at the convention. Each nominee will have her name and state listed in the program book and will receive a ribbon to wear on her name badge. Simply email me the name of the Nominee, the geographic state name and 100 words that describe why this member is a Woman of Vision and Action. Or ask your chapter or state president for a nomination form. They are due to me by April 15th.

We will also recognize those of you who twitter or tweat or blog. You, too, will have a ribbon for your name badge. I expect to see you at the Cyber Cafe helping the rest of us learn how to use our new Social Network.

Returning on a plane from Spokane, Corlea and I listed some reasons why YOU should come to the International Convention July 20-24.
1. It's a Society meeting.
2. It's an opportunity to greet old friends and meet new ones.
3. It's our 80th birthday and we will have a party.
4. It's a family reunion-mother/daughter/daughter-in-law/aunt/neice to be recognized
5. It's an organized event using technology in new ways.
6. It's entertaining with music, singing, dancing, laughing.
7. It's the time to vote on the governing documents.
8. It's a time to learn more about "green living", communication skills, leadership.
9. It's a good value for your money.
10. It's offering something for everyone.

I look forward to seeing you there. We have a place reserved for you!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!