Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy 2009--second try

My fingers move faster than my the previous post got posted before I was ready to post it. 

Suggested New Year Resolutions for Delta Kappa Gamma Members

*Say YES the next time a chapter member asks you to help with something.

*Make a reservation for your state convention. 

*Read the governing documents (constitution and standing rules).  Think about how you might like to see them updated.  Talk with other members about this.  Send your ideas to the revision committee (revision blog would be a good place to do this)

*Log on to the Delta Kappa Gamma website once a week.  You will be surprised how often it is updated.

*Check out the websites for the five regional conferences.  Attend one and you will experience a whole new level of the Society.  Once you experience an event outside your chapter and state you will be hooked and want to come again. Try it! You will like it!

*Get acquainted with a fairly new educator in your community who has potential for excellence and invite her to membership.  Be her mentor during those first two years of membership.  Check out the "Membership Shoe-In".

Let me know if you choose any of these resolutions.

Happy New Year

Happy 2009

For many of us this is the time we are heading back to school for the spring semester. Or perhaps we are traveling south to a warmer area for a few months. I have spent the month of December in Iowa with my family and lots of snow and cold weather. Soon I will be headed back to Austin as we have lots of activities scheduled for January.

January is also the time to make those resolutions for the new year. You might consider adding one of these to your list.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Life in Austin

As your International President I am spending much of the year in Austin. The Society has leased an apartment just two blocks from headquarters for the president. We are saving money on hotel bills, food, and travel. I have attended twelve committee meetings during October and November. This arrangement has allowed me to work at headquarters to prepare materials, make plans, and work on the TO DO list that follows every meeting. On some of those days between meetings, I have been exploring the city. I have been coming to Austin for meetings for the past four years, but learned few things about this interesting city. Now I have become acquainted with the downtown area. This arrangement is also a healthy one as I walk most places. No car to worry about makes downtown living exciting.

During their November meeting, the Administrative Board will walk to the apartment complex for a tour and lunch in the complex community room. I will be returning to Iowa in mid December to spend the holiday. Returning in January will enable me to enjoy a warm Texas winter missing the snows and storms in Iowa.

A quick question......Do you keep your membership card in an easily accessible spot? Or do you file it away? Should membership cards be issues every year? Or should you just receive one when you are initiated? Let me know what you think.



Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Society At Work

I have had the great privilege to attend the first few international committee meetings. The Eunah Temple Holden Fund, the Performance Appraisal Team, the Communications, Program, Personal Growth and Services, Research, and Professional Affairs have all met by now. For many committee members this is their first trip to Austin and a tour of the headquarters building is always a highlight of their visit. It is my pleasure to show them around the building and share our heritage with them. We have a beautiful building, one of which we can all be proud.

Committees do the work of the Society. Most of them leave the meeting with To Do Lists that will keep them on task for the first year of the biennium. Each committee is asked to help Create the Buzz and make our name known throughout the education community. I have already received items to place in the Creating the Buzz scrapbook that I have started here at headquarters. Check out the Communications Committee page on the web site.

Another item that committees are asked to do is to explore how technology can assist them in their work. Committee chairs all received a copy of the Leadership Tools on the Net CD at the planning committee. This CD, which is available at headquarters for $20, describes a variety of electronic leadership tools that can be used. The Ad hoc Online Leadership Committee has scheduled our October meeting using the Go To Meeting tool. I plan to then use that tool to host a program committee meeting in November. Remember folks, if I can learn to use technology, so can you.

I love hearing about important professional recognition of our members. Let’s spotlight them whenever we can. Send me any items that recognize members in their professional lives. I want to congratulate them personally. Let me hear from you.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Theme for the 2008-2010 Biennium

I am so excited. Several of you read my blog about dues and then actually posted your comments. Thank you very much.

From Vision to Action: Advancing the Society

This is the theme for the 2008-2010 Biennium.

What is your vision for the Society? Why did you join?

I joined 46 years ago when I had just completed my fifth year of teaching because a colleague whom I admired invited me to join. I had recently started teaching in my hometown of Hastings, Nebraska and I was thrilled to be asked to participate in this organization by individuals who had been my instructors as I had been growing up.

I did a survey of Generation X members (ages 25-44) in the Northwest Region in 2006. 68% of the members who answered the survey were asked to join by people they knew and 52% replied that they were asked to join by someone they admired. Why did you join?

In this same survey, 87% of the members felt that chapter programs were interesting. They like relevant programs. So program chairs, what are your plans for the coming year? Here are some of the suggestions given.
  • Workshops relevant to life--not just Society practicies and policies
  • Nutrition
  • Women's health issues
  • Scrapbooking
  • Stress management, relaxation tips, juggling multiple responsibilities
  • Technology updates
  • Hands-on activities

Did you know that our website offers lots of program ideas? Check it out.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


What a great international convention we had in Chicago! It was good to see so many of you there.

I promised you I would write a here goes. This is my first attempt at doing this. I look forward to this being a forum where we can discuss issues and ideas and ask and answer questions.

At the convention many of you were concerned that members might have difficulty paying their dues this year. So I thought I would pass along some of the innovative ideas that were being discussed by chapters.
  • Members could pay their dues on the installment plan. They could pay so much a month for three to five months. Only the state and international dues must be paid by October 30.
  • Collection of dues could begin July 1 each year so that would give members four months to pay.
  • Chapters could waive chapter dues for members who are experiencing hard times.
  • Members could pay state and international dues for an individual member who was experiencing hard times.

Does your chapter send out a statement for dues indicating the amount and date they are due? Many chapters find that modeling after other professional organizations in this way, produce effective results. I am sure that many of you have innovative methods of collecting dues. I heard of an Iowa chapter who used the theme "Dew the Dues" and distributed cans of "Dew" (Mountain Dew) to members as they paid their dues. A chapter in West Virginia held a "Dues Tea" in the various counties of their chapter area in August. Members came together for a social event (a finger food picnic in one county and lunch at another) and brought their dues to the event. Many who could not attend even sent their dues with others. Fun and fellowship always help. Share your ideas.
