Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Society At Work

I have had the great privilege to attend the first few international committee meetings. The Eunah Temple Holden Fund, the Performance Appraisal Team, the Communications, Program, Personal Growth and Services, Research, and Professional Affairs have all met by now. For many committee members this is their first trip to Austin and a tour of the headquarters building is always a highlight of their visit. It is my pleasure to show them around the building and share our heritage with them. We have a beautiful building, one of which we can all be proud.

Committees do the work of the Society. Most of them leave the meeting with To Do Lists that will keep them on task for the first year of the biennium. Each committee is asked to help Create the Buzz and make our name known throughout the education community. I have already received items to place in the Creating the Buzz scrapbook that I have started here at headquarters. Check out the Communications Committee page on the web site.

Another item that committees are asked to do is to explore how technology can assist them in their work. Committee chairs all received a copy of the Leadership Tools on the Net CD at the planning committee. This CD, which is available at headquarters for $20, describes a variety of electronic leadership tools that can be used. The Ad hoc Online Leadership Committee has scheduled our October meeting using the Go To Meeting tool. I plan to then use that tool to host a program committee meeting in November. Remember folks, if I can learn to use technology, so can you.

I love hearing about important professional recognition of our members. Let’s spotlight them whenever we can. Send me any items that recognize members in their professional lives. I want to congratulate them personally. Let me hear from you.
