Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Latest on Generations

It is a beautiful spring day in Austin, 70 degrees and the Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom. I have just completed 15 straight days of committee meetings and am enjoying a day off. However, I found an interesting article in the March 22 issue of Time magazine that got me thinking about DKG.

Nancy Gibbs wrote an essay on "Generation Next. Millennials respect their elders, so why do they say the generation gap is wider than ever." You know that I have done research on the various generations and how the Society can meet their needs, therefore this essay caught my eye. Gibbs writes that "Today's kids aren't taking up arms against their parents; they're too busy texting them." Millennials (ages 18-24) are close to their parents and when in college they check in with them several times a week. I know that I found this to be true, because the student would contact the parent about a roommate problem and the parent would call me, rather than the student talking with the RA.

According to research by the Pew Research Center, millenials see the greatest difference between them and other generations in the use of technology. "83% of them sleep with their cell phone." How many of us do that? These young people were raised in such a way that the parent protected them from outside forces. So they have reverted to social networks to form a community. They text and tweet and friend each other and this is their community. These young women are graduating as teachers and entering our schools. They are hungry for community and we can provide that community. Mentoring and new teacher projects meet their needs for a supportive community. We may need to learn how to text and use the to reach them. But we can do it.

The newest issue of the Bulletin has a great research article about supplies needed by beginning elementary teachers. (I get to read the articles before they go to print.) You will want to check out this article as it might give ideas for a chapter project.

I have just finished reviewing all the workshop proposals submitted for convention. There are some great ones and lots on technology. We will have a computer lab for some instruction on the Society social network and some opportunities to practice logging in. There are several others on using the various aspects of technology. So be watching for them. Of course there will be a Cyber Cafe for all to use.

Make your reservations soon. It will be a great convention.

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